Native American Outreach

Prophecy for Native Americans
Given to Ellason Castiglione January 3, 2021

In a vision I saw a mountain with a carpet of blood covering it. I realized it was the blood of the native Americans from the Trail of Tears. Then the Lord Spoke this to me.I see your blood that covers the ground like a carpet, and I hear it crying out to me for redemption. I have not surely overlooked the atrocities of the white man and the cruelty they exhibited as they drove you from your homes in the dead of winter. My heart cries out to release you from consequences of the past that have
followed you into the future. But I cannot redeem your blood until Forgiveness becomes first and foremost in your hearts. Some of you have worked through the pain and let it go to me. But many of you are still holding on to the past and nurturing it like it is your lifeline to the future. It is the lie of Satan for you cannot overcome what you do not forgive.
Unforgiveness makes you double-minded, for you say you love me and live for me but in your heart, you harbor hatred. Why you say do we need to forgive? Our blood flowed like a river over the land that was once ours so why, why, do we need to forgive what we did not initiate?

O my people, do you not remember the blood that flowed from my side at calvary? The atrocities against my innocence and the cruelty that was expressed against my earthly body. Yes, my blood flowed profusely as I was hung on the cross. But you must remember what I said before I gave up the ghost. I said, “forgive them for they know not what they do.” Yes, I, even I, had to forgive before there could be eternal life. For unforgiveness cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.
Unforgiveness keeps you bound to the pain of the past and leaves a doorway for the enemy to crush you. All the painful memories of the past that you shut up in your bones will only produce hardness of heart and leave a place for the enemy to keep repeating pain.
Let go and trust me to bring repentance and restitution to you and your land... Leave behind what you can’t take with you and prepare your hearts to enter into a land that is greater than the one for which you are grieving. It is the promised land, and it is waiting for you to claim it.

Prophecy for First Nations (Native Americans) January 1, 2023
Given to Ellason Castiglione
I Have called the first nations to be first. To lead the way to redemption. You have carried your wounds like a newborn baby long enough. You have rocked your wounded hearts and protected your pain as if it was your lifeline and your future.
Therefore, the pain has been inflicted over and over through the ages, because a root of bitterness keeps reproducing as long as it is alive. I would that you allow me to heal your wounds, but I cannot heal as long as you enjoy the pain. Know that out of affliction comes redemption. Just as Jesus was afflicted and brought eternal life, there is no pain on this earth that will not bring life when crucified and resurrected in me. At the root of unforgiven pain is self-righteousness and pride. Redemption lies at the door as forgiveness takes place in your hearts. For I know
the thoughts that I think toward you sayeth the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you an unexpected end. Then shall ye call upon me and you shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you and you so seek me and find me when you shall search for me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:11
I cannot use unholiness to change or redeem a nation for I am holy and holiness does not produce unholiness. I wish to use you to change nations. I want you to lead others to freedom from the pain of this world we live in. I want to restore what the enemy has stolen through unrighteousness. I will show you miracles when you bring your heart in agreement with me. I will bring power to change a nation and respect from all nations. You have been forced to sacrifice your
land, your families and your wealth to the wickedness of the greedy, but when you give your pain unto me, I will bring restoration. You are not lost and alone for I have known you from the beginning. You have suffered at the hands of the greedy, the liars and the totally unrighteous, but now you suffer from the root of your own bitterness and unforgiveness. I can overcome anything when your heart is in agreement with me. But how can two walk together unless they
agree? Because you have suffered in the presence of the whole world,
I am now calling you to the forefront of the world to be an example of
how to defeat the enemy of destruction through obedience and